KAZU1000’s blog 阪本研究所 SK laboratory

阪本研究所 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto 旅行・社寺巡り・古墳調査・じゃらん旅行記


【コートジボワール消防事情調査】 Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE (写真整理No.8) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所

【コートジボワール消防事情調査】 Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE (写真整理No.8) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所 政府開発援助案件(ODA案件)の基本設計(B/D)の前に、現地消防事情調査で出張したときの写真を整理中。デジカメではなく普通のカ…

【ブルキナファソ消防事情調査】 Wagatoku, Burkina Faso (写真整理No.7) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所

【ブルキナファソ消防事情調査】 Wagatoku, Burkina Faso (写真整理No.7) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所 政府開発援助案件(ODA案件)の基本設計(B/D)の前に、現地消防事情調査で出張したときの写真を整理中。デジカメではなく普通のカメ…

【ブルキナファソ消防事情調査】 Wagatoku, Burkina Faso (写真整理No.6) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所

【ブルキナファソ消防事情調査】 Wagatoku, Burkina Faso (写真整理No.6) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所 政府開発援助案件(ODA案件)の基本設計(B/D)の前に、現地消防事情調査で出張したときの写真の整理。デジカメではなく普通のカメラ…

【ケニア・ナイロビ市消防事情調査】Nairobi, Kenya (写真整理No.5) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所

【ケニア・ナイロビ市消防事情調査】Nairobi, Kenya (写真整理No.5) ODA / TICAD【SK laboratory】阪本研究所 政府開発援助案件(ODA案件)の基本設計(B/D)の前に、現地消防事情調査で出張したときの写真を整理中。デジカメではなく普通のカメラで撮…

【エルサルバドル 市場調査】「車両整備関係」San Salvador, El Salvador (写真整理No.3)【SK laboratory】阪本研究所

【エルサルバドル 市場調査】「車両整備関係」San Salvador, El Salvador (写真整理No.3)【SK laboratory】阪本研究所 昔撮った写真を整理中です。当時はデジカメではなく普通のカメラを持って出張していました。政府開発援助案件(ODA案件)のB/D(基本…

The survey of Waste treatment plant survey in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe :ODA / TICAD

The survey of Waste treatment plant survey in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government devel…

The survey of fire fighting situation in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa / TICAD

These photos are part of a business trip from Zimbabwe to the Pretoria Fire Department. Most of the vehicles were made by E-ONE, a US fire manufacturer.The fire department was well organized, with control room, maintenance plant and comple…

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (3/3)ODA / TICAD

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (3/3) These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a …

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (2/3)ODA / TICAD

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (2/3) These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a …

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (1/3)ODA / TICAD

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (1/3) These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a …

The survey of fire fighting situation in Rabat, Morocco ODA / TICAD

The survey of fire fighting situation in Rabat, Morocco These photos are part of a business trip from Senegal to the Rabat fire department. At that time, Morocco was out of the ODA target countries. All vehicles provided were made by CAMIV…

The survey of fire fighting situation in Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE ODA / TICAD

The survey of fire fighting situation in Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). The…

The survey of fire fighting situation in Wagatoku, Burkina Faso ODA / TICAD

The survey of fire fighting situation in Wagatoku, Burkina Faso These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). The…

The survey of Fire situation survey in Nairobi, Kenya ODA / TICAD

The survey of Fire situation survey in Nairobi, Kenya These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). These are pho…