KAZU1000’s blog 阪本研究所 SK laboratory

阪本研究所 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto 旅行・社寺巡り・古墳調査・じゃらん旅行記

The survey of fire fighting situation in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

These photos are part of a business trip from Zimbabwe to the Pretoria Fire Department.






Most of the vehicles were made by E-ONE, a US fire manufacturer.
The fire department was well organized, with control room, maintenance plant and complete repair parts.




We, SK laboratory will do overseas business trip surveys and also support trade of import & export.


【阪本研究所 SK laboratory】Yao city, Osaka, Japan
 (Representative) Kazuyoshi Sakamoto
 Contact : kazuyoshi.sakamoto10000@gmail.com



  Pretoria, Republic of South Africa / Fire situation survey