KAZU1000’s blog 阪本研究所 SK laboratory

阪本研究所 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto 旅行・社寺巡り・古墳調査・じゃらん旅行記


About SK laboratory / 阪本研究所

For many years I’ve engaged in import and export trade business, government development assistance project business, English, German translation, fire & disaster prevention products to foreign government offices, import and export sales of…

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas(4/4)

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas At that time, we investigated the latest models of vehicles and anti-terrorism products of US firefighting manufacturers there. …

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas(3/4)

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas At that time, we investigated the latest models of vehicles and anti-terrorism products of US firefighting manufacturers there. …

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas(2/4)

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas At that time, we investigated the latest models of vehicles and anti-terrorism products of US firefighting manufacturers there. …

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas(1/4)

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / Fire & Disaster prevention exhibition survey in Dallas,Texas At that time, we investigated the latest models of vehicles and anti-terrorism products of US firefighting manufacturers there. …

Fire vehicles and products exhibition survey in Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea

Fire vehicles and products exhibition survey in Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea There were some vehicles on display that would be suspicious of having copied Japanese-made fire engines. We, SK laboratory will do overseas business trip surve…

The survey of Waste treatment plant survey in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe

The survey of Waste treatment plant survey in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government devel…

The survey of fire fighting situation in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

These photos are part of a business trip from Zimbabwe to the Pretoria Fire Department. Most of the vehicles were made by E-ONE, a US fire manufacturer. The fire department was well organized, with control room, maintenance plant and compl…

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (3/3)

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (3/3) These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a …

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (2/3)

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (2/3) These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a …

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (1/3)

The survey of fire fighting situation & Waste disposal site Dar es Salaam, Tazania (1/3) These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey and a waste disposal site survey before the basic design (B / D) of a …

The survey of fire fighting situation in Rabat, Morocco

The survey of fire fighting situation in Rabat, Morocco These photos are part of a business trip from Senegal to the Rabat fire department. At that time, Morocco was out of the ODA target countries. All vehicles provided were made by CAMIV…

The survey of fire fighting situation in Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE

The survey of fire fighting situation in Abidjan, CÔTE D'IVOIRE These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). The…

The survey of fire fighting situation in Wagatoku, Burkina Faso

The survey of fire fighting situation in Wagatoku, Burkina Faso These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). The…

The survey of Fire situation survey in Nairobi, Kenya

The survey of Fire situation survey in Nairobi, Kenya These photographs are part of a trip to a local firefighting situation survey before the basic design (B / D) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). These are pho…

San Salvador, El Salvador / Market research of vehicle maintenance

San Salvador, El Salvador / Market research of vehicle maintenance These photos are part of a business trip for the preliminary investigation of B / D (basic design) of a government development assistance project (ODA project). At that tim…

City survey and instruction of vehicle in Dacca and Chittagong, Bangladesh

City survey and instruction of vehicle in Dacca and Chittagong, Bangladesh These photos are part of a business trip to deliver vehicles and machines to the Bangladesh fire department and teach them how to use them. After that, I went on a …

International Association of Fire Chiefs: IAFC /Anaheim, California

International Association of Fire Chiefs: IAFC /Anaheim, California These photos are from the firefighting experiment of the fire extinguishing agent (PyroCap) after the exhibition survey in Anaheim, California. At that time, PyroCap was f…

The fire extinguishing agent (PyroCap) after the exhibition survey in in Anaheim, California.

The fire extinguishing agent (PyroCap) after the exhibition survey in in Anaheim, California. These photos are from the firefighting experiment of the fire extinguishing agent (PyroCap) after the exhibition survey in Anaheim, California. A…

昔撮った写真の整理「IAFC防災展示会」2006年度 No.4 【阪本研究所 SK laboratory】

2006年度に「International Association of Fire Chiefs: IAFC」の防災展へ出張したときデジカメで撮った写真の一部を整理中です。 米国の消防車両関係のボデイメーカー、トラックメーカーなど 911EP, Inc. 1995年にミネソタ州セントクラウドで誕生した…

【都留彌神社】(つるみじんじゃ) 大阪府東大阪市

【都留彌神社】(つるみじんじゃ) 大阪府東大阪市 祭神は、速秋津日子神、速秋津比売神、推古天皇、菅原道眞。明治43年布施村足代に在った神社を現社地の鹿島時神社に合祀し都留彌神社の社名を継承した都留彌は都留美島の省略で旧大和川につるむ(交尾の意…


【大龍大神】(だいりゅうじん)大阪府松原市 近鉄「高見ノ里駅」から西へ歩いて西除川沿いに【大龍大神】(だいりゅうじん)が鎮座しています。鳥居や社は新しく、近年に建立されたと思われます。由緒等は不明です。 所在地:大阪府松原市南新町2丁目

【高見神社】 (たかみじんじゃ ) 大阪府松原市

大阪府南河内郡の松原市高見の里に、小さな神社、【高見神社】 (たかみじんじゃ ) が鎮座しています。 この【高見神社】の御祭神は、地元では「シンメイさん」と呼ばれる女神さまです。その起源や由来は不明ですが、反正天皇(はんぜいてんのう)が行幸の…





【黒龍大神】(こくりゅうおおかみ) 大阪市西成区山王

大阪市西成区山王の急な坂のところに【黒龍大神】( こくりゅうおおかみ)が鎮座しています。 黒龍大神の由来について掲示があり、次のように書かれています。 東に天王寺台地が広がり、南に聖天山があり、高地に囲まれたこのあたりの低地に明治末期頃まで大…


【八尾神社】(やおじんじゃ)大阪府八尾市 『延喜式神名帳』河内国若江郡の「栗栖(くるす)神社」に比定され(式内社)、社格は旧村社。旧若江郡西郷、木戸両村(現八尾市本町5丁目の北側、本町6,7丁目、東本町3丁目あたり)の氏神。近世には「牛頭天王社…


【浅香山稲荷神社】(あさかやまいないじんじゃ)大阪府堺市 JR浅香駅を降り、東側直ぐに浅香山城址といわれる「浅香山稲荷神社」があります。参道入り口の急な坂道を登り詰めたところがこの神社。 鳥居の横の案内板には、次のように書かれています。昔、…

【杵築神社】(きづきじんじゃ) 奈良県生駒郡平群町

【杵築神社】(きづきじんじゃ) 奈良県生駒郡平群町 奈良県の生駒と信貴山の中間にある十三峠越えの道の途中に【杵築神社】(きづきじんじゃ)があります。福貴畑の氏神。祭神は素戔鳴命。末社と祭神は、春日神社 (天児屋根命)、伊勢皇大神宮 (天照大神…


【素戔嗚神社】(すさのおじんじゃ)奈良県生駒郡平群町 伊文字川の支流のほとり、稲作の水を守る農耕神です。祭神は素戔鳴命。拝殿左に長生院(元薬師堂)があり、不動明王等を祀ります。慶長7年(1602)在銘の鰐口がある。又、元文3年(1738)銘の湯釜に…